Friday, June 13, 2008

watch out for the chicks

IMGP9218, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

if you look close, there's a quail chick in this photo. it seems like there might be up to a dozen or so in the little group, they're very cute, running around and peeping at each other. amazingly well camoflaged, and surprisingly fast and agile. I had a hard time getting even this.

I am watching

IMGP9212, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

there's a family of quail living in and around the back yard, you can hear them peeping away all day long. very cute.

this is teamwork

IMGP9192, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

caught these ants trying to stuff a large, very green beetle - still alive - into a very small crack. I need a better macro lens, the tight crop on this leaves much detail sharpness to be desired... still, I tried the optio and this shot with the SLR was better than what I got with the optio.


IMGP9152, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

I stopped in cave junction to visit grandma & grandpa briefly. there's a couple more photos on flickr...

midnight cowboy

IMGP8889, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

you know what I mean.

found this old jacket in a pile of bins scraps, an outfit and prop were quickly assembled, and a 5-minute fashion shoot ensued. you don't want to see the rest.