Wednesday, May 13, 2009


IMGP3447, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

stars and stripes

IMGP3535, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.


pine box farms

IMGP3394, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

it's not the official title, but there's 36 4x10 boxes full of dirt, that was all moved by hand. plus a wood-fired hot tub.


IMGP3525, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

angel wings

IMGP3559, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

a cicada emerging from it's chrysalis.


IMGP3022, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

watching life through glass

IMGP3067, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

sangre de cristo mountains in colorado, whizzing by in the window of the truck...