Friday, June 26, 2009

farmin' muck

IMGP3807, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

justin caught me harvesting pond muck for the compost pile...

Monday, June 01, 2009

the bailout

IMGP8925, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

rescue practice in the san juans.

IMGP3595, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.


IMGP9027, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

I can't believe I didn't post this one earlier. sunrise on sucia island, san juans, washington.


IMGP1341, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

christmas storm at the winery project.


IMGP3631, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

hot chicks

IMGP3668, originally uploaded by thaddeusss.

week-old chicks...